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Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth- close reading
Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth- close reading

Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth- close reading

  In the passage Goodbye, Columbus by Philip Roth its a very interesting story with the characters interesting and role he plays. Overall in my opinion it’s about a love story of a jewish boy called Neil Klugman and a jewish girl called Brenda and the difference between them wealthy wise. Neli is like in the lower class while Brenda is in the upper class so their family is different, nothing wrong with that as you could tell because Brenda introduces Neli to her family. They met at the pool when Brenda asked him to “hold her glass…My blood jumped…That night before dinner, I called her” which then he fell in love the moment he saw her. What it really means to fall in “love since the day I saw you” means, he even tries to find her number by the phone books, that’s how you know he’s deeply into her. He hasn’t even introduced himself yet but is already trying to talk to her, “The suburban phone book. I want to call Short Hills”, finding the phone book to call her. They meet up after and just kiss on the first day they met too. He has a good relationship with parents too and the little sister to make Brenda happy. In class the text we discussed was about analyzing and citing words that can help us understand more about the passage or article we have read, in short terms to have the theme or main idea summarized shorter by doing that same as what we are doing here having some evidence that can help us understand our main idea. Everyone thinks differently so it’s interesting to see people’s themes by the word they cite for how much they gave information about the text. Overall the text that we are using right now is helping us to better understand our writing and make it easier for us to do. 

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